Thursday, May 6, 2010


Ever since my little right-of-way disagreement with the baby
copperhead the other day, every stick I see in the trail is a snake.
I am not particularly scared of snakes, but I certainly don't want to
step on one. It's particularly amusing when part of the stick is
hidden under leaves, so when I step on the exposed end, the leaves
rustle. I must have jumped straight up a half a dozen times. I also
see lots of bears...okay, they are usually just tree stumps.

Oh yeah, I also got bit on the ass by a dog. I was just standing there
and he snuck up behind me and nipped me. He didn't draw blood, but I
still tried to bite him back. I was unsuccessful, and I explained to
him that I wasn't really rabid and he was lucky this time. Stupid dog.

I also want to thank the church of something or other of Shady Valley,
TN for their awesome trail magic. They had left a cooler full of cold
Mountain Dews and Little Debbies by the Cross Mtn road intersection.
It is really shocking what an enthusiastic hiker I am after getting
hopped up on caffeinated sugary soda and cheap sugary snacks. Of
course I already had Little Debbies in my pack but they taste much
better when you don't have to carry them on your back and you just
find them in the trail. So I saved one nutty bar for later in the day.
So later today, I take out the nutty bar and start unwrapping it, when
I stumble...again...and the nutty bar goes flying and I skid down the
trail several feet on my shoulder. So I finally get myself upright,
like a turtle on it's back, and realize that I have landed square on
top of the ill-fated nutty bar, absolutely pulverizing it to an
unrecognizable gooey powder, that I of course, still try to eat out of
the package.

I hiked 15.9 fairly easy miles today and I am camped a little past the
Abington Gap shelter with it's wicked half mile straight down trail to
the water source. The trail was gently rolling so no long descents or
ascents. Very nice. It was for most of the afternoon burned on one
side of the trail as part of a prescribed burn procedure. I still
smell campfire smell. I am 6.3 miles from the Virginia border and
about 10 miles from Damascus. Feels like I am making some kind of
progress here.


  1. I am so glad you are still hiking and enjoying your journey...I met you while you were near Gatlinburg, where I live...and am keeping up with your interesting journal...keep it up you do such a good job.
    Glad you had some time with your mom I know it must have been good for both of you.
    Be safe and enjoy!

  2. While many of us would like to be doing what you are doing, I for one would not be able to deal with the snakes. I'd also be doing a lot of crying if my feet were blistered and especially if I stumbled and lost my nutty bar. Good luck to you and thanks for sharing your trip with those of us who can't go.
