Monday, May 3, 2010

Reprieve from the rain...

Day off!  So here I sit in a warm dry house in Boone, NC watching a huge rainstorm enshroud Grandfather mountain. Mom picked me up where the trail crosses Hwy 321 and I have been fortunate to be able to spend the short weekend with her. We went into town and ate the biggest meal I have ever eaten...ever. Oh, AND I finally had some REAL mashed 'taters and they were scrumdiddlyumptious!  We did some grocery shopping which is a great thing to do when you are THAT full. I am lucky I came back with any food for my pack at all. I didn't think I would ever be able to eat again. (But alas I not only got hungry again, but ate almost an entire Mellow Mushroom pizza!)
And, Marge and Lefty got some new digs!  As much as I have poo-pooed (is that a word?) Keen's in the past, I now find myself the proud owner of these doofusy looking boots. I have to say, that as much as they look like clown shoes to me, they have lots of room for the toes to wiggle around...Even the little formerly-squished-black-toe-nailed-ones on the end!  So hopefully this will help the 'ol dogs with their daily grind. 
Another interesting phenomenon I have observed is the prolific use of knee braces, straps, and other knee support accoutrements. At first I thought there was some kind of secret society going on. But as of today, I find that I too have inadvertently joined the ranks of the "TWO knee braced goofy looking" hikers. There are these strap thingy's that you look at and think, "what could that possibly do to help chronic knee pain?" But I bought one a while back and I found myself taking it off one knee and putting it on the other, and amazingly it really helps. So I bought another to keep both knees happy simultaneously. (And of course so I can look just as cool as everyone else. Ha.)
So now to go study my trail guide and figure out my next destination...see you on up the road...     

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