Saturday, May 8, 2010


Yay! Hiked past the Virginia border yesterday and into the quaint
little town of Damascus, mile marker 463.5. I will be staying here for
a day or so to let some recurring blisters heal. Although I am one
week too early for the famous Trail Days festivities, this small town
seems to be bustling with hikers. They are everywhere. I have seen
many old faces as well as new ones.

The weather is absolutely beautiful. I saw the first pink ladyslippers
and lilies of the valley yesterday. The first few blossoms of the
mountain laurel are just beginning to pop out as well. The mountains
are almost completely covered in mayapples. I think their leaves look
like little alien umbrellas. If they are, I am here to tell you that
they are here in force and are ready to take over the planet. Another
alien species is the squaw root. They are little orangey-yellow spiked
finger looking things that burst out of the ground. They might be
alien probes keeping an eye out on unsuspecting hikers passing by.

Years ago while backpacking is when I first heard a repeated
sound...almost like a vibration in the ground. It was always the same
pattern, and I always thought it was something man-made. I have heard
it since the beginning of this hike and I finally learned what it was.
Apparently it's a male grouse beating himself half senseless just to
catch a hot babe. Wow. Now that is what I call dedicated. You don't
see men out in the world beating on their chest to attract females
anymore...oh wait, I forgot about Tarzan. What ever happened to Tarzan

1 comment:

  1. Collin,
    Checking back in after a too.....busy April and I see you are doing just fine! Sense of humor seems fully intact, photographic finger well aimed, physicality in one piece despite numerous tumbles; you are hell girl! Keep the pace, blog on and continue taking those beautiful pics.
