Thursday, August 12, 2010

398.5 miles left

I am camped at a hostel at the base of Mt. Moosilauke in Glencliff,
NH. Yep that's right. I have made it to the Whites. This mountain,
"The Moose" as I have affectionately come to call it, has been on my
mind since, like, I don't know...Springer??? When I used to flip to
this page in my guide book, it would literally scare the heck out of
me. It's HUGE! It's a 3,700' elevation gain. Did you hear me??? That's
three thousand seven hundred feet!!! It's not even the climb up that
has had me worried. It's the steep downhill and the warning in the
book about it being steep and slick. Yikes! But you know what? I am
not worried anymore. I am so excited. I have been hearing about how
"the whites are so beautiful", "the whites are your dessert", "you've
done 80% of the trail but only 20% of the work", and my favorite, "the
whites are going to kill you". Well I am hear to say HOOOAH! Bring it

(P.S. This didn't get sent until the top of Moosilauke)

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