Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well all I can say is 50-60% chance of isolated thunderstorms has a
whole new meaning for me. After spending a zero day (A SUNNY day mind
you) in the lovely little town of Erwin, I felt rested and excited to
get back to the trail. I had no idea that almost immediately after
stepping foot back on the trail, I would spend the next couple of days
trying not to drown. It has rained and rained and rained. The 15-25
mph winds that were forcasted yesterday turned into 40-50 mph gusts on
top of this "Beauty Spot" mountain that all the locals told me was
such a gorgeous place. I could hardly stand up and I could only see a
few feet in front of me. I had a few choice words about the beauty
spot that I will refrain from sharing. The good news is that Marge
and Lefty are doing fine, despite slogging around for two days with an
inch of water in the bottom of the boots, and it's suppose to be sunny
tomorrow. All is well and things are looking up.

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