Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday 4/6/10

Ok. Remember I said last night I was camped over 5,000'? Well, this
ought to give you a clue about my day. I am camped 15 minutes away
from the NOC, as in Nantahala Outdoor Center, in the
river...approx 1,900' elev. Well what goes down must come up, at least
on this trail. So, you guessed it. 6 straight miles of climbing record high temps. Now don't get me wrong, I am not
complaining about the sun. Happy to have it. Everyone I saw today, I
mean EVERYONE was really sunburned, including me.

Everything is beginning to bud. I love to watch it before my very
eyes. I saw lots of violets, bloodroot, trailing arbutus, mayflower
(leaves), rattlesnake plantain, a hawk, a huge rat snake, and a poodle.

I was also fortunate enough to hike to climb Wesser fire tower and
have lunch today. It is the most spectacular 360 degree view I can
think of anywhere. You climb up two flights of seriously rickety
stairs to find an amazing gift awaits you.

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