Friday, April 23, 2010


At the beginning of my hike, a fellow hiker told me, on a particularly
precarious section of trail, that she was taking "mindful steps". I
have taken these words to be my personal mantra and I think this is
the key to less twisted ankles, stumbles, and face plants. However,
what I have found is that because I am sporting my new dorky looking
"boonie" type hat to keep my ears from frying to a crisp, I must
occasionally look UP as well. It partially obstructs my vision because
of the brim and I have nearly knocked myself out cold on numerous
occasions. A couple of times I was able to see the low hanging branch
or blown down tree a few feet away. One time I looked up just in time
to see it a couple of inches away from my face, and one unlucky time I
never even knew what hit me. The moral of this story? Enjoy the views
from ALL directions.

I am camped near the Hogback ridge shelter 15 miles away from where I
started out this morning. I just love the names of these shelters.
Last night I heard coyotes howling and yipping all night. I also heard
a pair of owls yelling at eachother all night. It was a wild and crazy
night out here in the zoo. I won't be forgetting my earplugs tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I met you on the trail about 10 days ago when we were coming back from Charlie's Bunion and we passed you and stopped to chat for a few gave us this blog site and I have been checking in on you every few days.
    I am proud of you for getting this far and for the good attitude you have had so far.
    I have a house in Jasper on Burnt Mt and live in Gatlinburg too. Keep on having fun and be safe. Your blog is great keep it up it is so interesting to see where you are and what your day has been like.
    Have a good hiking day tomorrow and sleep well tonight.

