Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I apologize for dropping off the face of the earth. I spent two days
in the lovely little town of Hot Springs, NC with Drew. The
interesting thing about Hot Springs, besides all the great history we
learned about it, is that it is a complete communication black hole.
At least for AT&T users. We stayed at Elmer's Sunnybank Inn. It was a
fabulous visit complete with delicious organic vegetarian meals. I
feel well fed and well rested.

I had a fairly short hiking day, as the 11 miles were not terribly
hard, although it rained pretty much continuously from when I started
out of town. I figured the first shelter would be pretty full on a
rainy day but it was fuller than full. I don't know how many people
they had jammed in that small wooden lean-to that was supposed to
house 5. I continued up the trail a while and found a fairly flat spot
to put up my tent. That's okay, I would rather be in my tent anyway.
So here I sit, listening to the rain enjoying the warmth of my
sleeping bag.

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