Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday April something

Gatlinburg, TN. Wow. What can I say? Funnel cakes and air-brushed t-
shirts, baby. That's what I'm talking about. Got up this morning and
hiked the 5 miles to Newfound gap. H.D Mama and her husband were
waiting for me to take a couple of us the 15 miles to town for a
resupply stop. We all ate at the Shoney's buffet and all I can say is
quantity over quality. That has got to be the biggest pile of mediocre
food I have ever shovelled in my mouth. But, I did finally get the
humongous glass of orange juice I have been craving for days. (No, I
don't have scurvy...I'm taking my multi vitamin every day...ok, most
days....that I remember). They did have a salad bar with a vegetable
or two that had not been cooked to absolute death. (I've never seen
grey green beans before). Then I went to the new NOC outfitters in
town and they are totally awesome...they have free shower for thru-
hikers and a free shuttle back to the trail. So I basically moved in
there for the afternoon waiting for the 4:00 shuttle. After I had a
shower (ooohhh what a difference a hot shower makes), I sat on their
covered porch in a rocking chair and watched the afternoon show that
is life on the strip in Gatlinburg, TN. After I got back on trail, I
hiked the 3 miles to Icewater spring shelter, where I sit this very
moment. Although I could have stayed in town and gone to the Ripley's
Believe it or Not museum or maybe the wax museum, I am thrilled to be
out of "civilization" and back on the trail.

1 comment:

  1. You need to adjust your standards. Most buffets are mediocre. Shoney's is the worst of a bad lot.
    Next town, get cleaned up first, then find a good restaurant. You deserve it.
