Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello New York!

Good news on all accounts. First of all, last night and today have
been a hiker reunion of sorts. I was hiking with Ace yesterday, caught
back up with Safari and Timber, and then caught back up with Supermax
and Fig! I have not seen them since Tennessee. What a sureal day
hiking with people from all different parts of my hike! It was great
seeing everyone again. In fact, we all saw many other hikers that we
had not seen in a while, it was the most hikers I have seen on the
trail in a long time. Just after lunch time, we all crossed the New
York state line together.

Another exciting part of the day was due to the fact that there is not
a whole lot of stuff going on in the towns surrounding the trail
around here... except dairy cattle grazing. And where there is dairy
cattle grazing there is dairy. And where there is dairy, there is ICE
CREAM. Yep, two miles before the Wildcat camping area, our
destination for the night, was Bellvale Creamery. I ate the biggest
mound of ice cream I could get my grubby paws on. It was soooooo good.

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